Raise For Life ‘Orphanage Ramadan Appeal’

16644913910_35dcf79fa9_kIn 2014 ‘Raise For Life’ took on the challenge to raise £40,000 (which was the cost of one house within the orphanage village). This will house 12 orphans and a widow, as well as providing them with primary/secondary education, skills training, medical treatment and clothing.

This house has now been built and pictures of that house can be found here.

Very soon the orphans will be housed and we would now like to raise enough money to support them for one whole year. The cost of one orphan for a month is £50 and for a full year is £600. To support all 12 orphans this equates to £7200 which will be our initial target, however we would like to exceed this and see if we can raise enough to support a further two houses (stretch target of £21,600) on the orphanage village.

As all the money will be spent on the orphans, Zakat is eligible for this cause.

Finally ‘Raise for Life’ would like to dedicate this initiative in memory of Umar Tufail Hussain who passed away in May 2015 at just the age of 3; may Allah the Almighty bless his soul and reunite him with his family in the afterlife.

Raise for Life!




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